Test Collection
➔ test3 title 3
In this Day On 11/11/1177 Such things as one could Test became Tested. It was a VERY testy day, indeed.
But the story goes that once there was a wet marshy place. And it seemed like a good place. But they needed to test it first, well because
that is what they do.
So the designed a big test. The biggest. They named it "The Big Test" and nick named it "The Testest of tests test testerson"
So here in lies the big question: Are you up to the test?
Can this be the test of all test? Well can it?
We will see.
The test test3 died a nobel death.
The end
Date Created:
January 1 1776
Date Copyrighted:
November 18 2023
Date Recorded:
May 1 1955
Date Accepted:
January 2 2022
Related person:
Bill The Mountain
Related Organizations:
Lexicon 4 Term: